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Writer's picturebrucedebiasse

Blog Entry #2 - 9/28/18

- I can connect what I learned from my individual research presentation to my current JPL project because a lot of the process is similar. Manuel Jalón Corominas wanted to find a solution to a problem; in his case it was helping people with everyday cleaning with his invention of the mop. Similarly, our group is finding the solution to a problem in the same way. Just as you would do with any invention, our JPL project requires us to draw up our design, collaborate, and improve upon design flaws. Fortunately, we are not trying to pitch our products to investors or trying to profit off of it, as this would require extra steps to the process. Both situations involve: brainstorming, finding a solution, drawing up the solution, attacking flaws with it, improving, and then building and presenting a product.

- Things are going relatively well with our JPL project. This has changed from not well to better in just a matter of days with the transition to a new and improved design. We have found an easier way to build the machine without having to code a mechanical arm that grabs the pipe, and making sure the motors were strong enough to support the weight of the pipe. It is a much more straightforward design and can be done with parts that are not unreliable. The only trouble we are having is working out kinks, and figuring out the parts we need to build it.

- I like to be optimistic, but there are things that will inevitably bring us problems in the foreseeable future. These could vary from anything to design flaws to not having the proper funding for parts (though I heard that we might be receiving donations for parts), to scheduling conflicts, not being able to complete it within the time given, etc. I think the design and manufacturing process is sort of a slippery slope, we have a long way to go with potential obstacles and challenges to face. That's all apart of the fun of it though right?

- Life is stressful at this time, but I dread that this statement is awfully predictable for most of the senior population at Samohi right now. I plan to apply to art schools and they have an onslaught of questions and requirements. Balancing school work with this results in a no-breakfast based diet, poorly handmade salami sandwiches (for too many lunches now), and a very tired fellow with faulty circadian rhythms. My best decision this year was having no class first period, but if I am required to stay up until 2 a.m. to paint succulents and life drawing, I will crave a nice full preschool nap time. Unfortunately, they would kick me out of the daycare center if I attempted to do this, which is a petty act of ignorance when you consider that these infants get to be apart of the high school and get unlimited naps no questions asked.

(Me pictured above, telling you how it is)

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